Fraction Benchmarks
In math, benchmark fractions can be defined as common that we can measure or judge against, when measuring, comparing or ordering other fractions.
Benchmark fractions are easy to visualize and identify, and thus, help in estimating the parts. When comparing two fractions with different numerators and denominators, we can either make their denominators common or compare them to a benchmark fraction such as .
Benchmark fractions are most helpful when fractions to be compared are placed on a number line against the benchmarks.
To round a fraction to the nearest half:
1. Draw a number line with zero to the far left and the number 1 to the far right.
2. Divide the number line into parts of a whole. The parts are the same as the denominator in the fraction that is being rounded.
3. Number the parts.
4. Find the fraction that is being rounded on the number line.
5. Determine if the fraction is closest to the benchmarks 0, , or 1.
To round a mixed number:
1. Determine what whole numbers the given number is between.
2. Convert the half so it has a common denominator as the fractional part of the given number.
3. Determine if the given number is closer to the lesser whole number, a half, or the greater whole number.
4. Round to the closest number.
Round to the nearest half.
To round a fraction to the nearest half:
1. Draw a number line with zero to the far left and the number 1 to the far right.
2. Divide the number line into parts of a whole. The parts are the same as the denominator in the fraction that is being rounded. (In this case, divide the number line into 8 parts).
3. Number the parts through . Notice is the same as one whole.
4. Find the fraction that is being rounded on the number line.
5. Determine if the fraction is closest to the benchmarks 0, , or 1.
is closest to 1
Practice Fraction Benchmarks
A fraction is a part of a whole.
Benchmark – a standard or point of reference against which things may be compared.
Fraction Benchmarks – common fractions that we can measure or judge against, when measuring, comparing or ordering other fractions. A benchmark fraction is easy to visualize and helps in estimating the parts of a whole.
The benchmark fractions are 0, , and 1.