Add Using Number Lines

Add Using Number Lines


Addition on number line helps us to visually perform the addition operation on small numbers. A number line is a visual representation of numbers on a straight line where the value of the numbers increases as we move from left to right. Different arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division can be performed on a number line.

Addition on number line is as simple as counting positive numbers by moving towards the right-hand side of a number line. It helps us to visually understand the addition operation using small numbers.


1. Consider the first number as the starting point on the number line.
2. Now, from the first number jump by the number of units equivalent to the second number towards the right. This is because the values on a number increase as we move towards the right-hand side.


Add using the number line.
5 + 7


1. Consider the first number as the starting point on the number line.

2. Now, from the first number jump by the number of units equivalent to the second number towards the right. This is because the values on a number increase as we move towards the right-hand side.

5 + 7 = 12

Practice Add Using Number Lines

Practice Problem 1

Start with the greater number and count on to add.
 Learn Add Using Number Lines Practice Problem 1

Practice Problem 2

Start with the greater number and count on to add.
 Learn Add Using Number Lines Practice Problem 2

Practice Problem 3

Start with the greater number and count on to add.
 Learn Add Using Number Lines Practice Problem 3

Practice Problem 4

Start with the greater number and count on to add.
 Learn Add Using Number Lines Practice Problem 4

Addition – a mathematical operation in which two or more numbers are combined to equal a greater number.

Number Line – a line on which numbers are marked at intervals, used to illustrate simple numerical operations.

Addend – a number which is added to another.

Sum – Final answer of the addition.