Conversion of Metric Units of Weight

Conversion of Metric Units of Weight


The metric system of measurement is the standard way of measuring distance, weight, calculating height, and most of the other day-to-day items.

The unit weight is used for measuring the mass of an object. The standard unit for measurement of weight is a kilogram. The standard tool we use to measure weight is the beam-balance or the weighing scale.


How to convert metric measurements of weight:

To convert from one metric weight to another, moving up the chart, multiply by powers of 10 for every step.

If converting moving down the chart, divide by powers of 10 for every step.

To compare two metric weights with different prefixes, convert them to become the same prefix, then compare.

Note: To convert a bigger unit into a smaller unit, we multiply by powers of 10.
To convert a smaller unit into a bigger unit, we divide by powers of 10.

How to compare metric measurements:
1. If necessary, convert one of the measurements so that both measurements are in the same unit.
2. Working from left to right, compare digits that have the same place value. Starting with the digit on the left and moving right, whichever number first has a larger digit is the larger number overall.



1.6 kilograms =______ grams


1. Kilo means 1,000 times so 1,000 grams = 1 kilogram

2. Kilogram is bigger than a gram, so we multiply 1.6 by 1,000
1.6 x 1,000 = 1,600

1.6 kilograms = 1,600 grams

Practice Conversion of Metric Units of Weight

Practice Problem 1

Conversion of Metric Units of Weight Practice Problem 1

Practice Problem 2

Conversion of Metric Units of Weight Practice Problem 2

Practice Problem 3

Sheldon had 45,000 grams of wheat to sell at the market. He sells the wheat for 2 dollars per kg. How much money would he make if he sold all the wheat?
Conversion of Metric Units of Weight Practice Problem 3