How to Tell Time on a Clock
Time is the ongoing and continuous sequence of events that occur in succession, from the past through the present to the future.
Time is a used to quantify, measure or compare the duration of events or the intervals between them, and even, sequence events.
1. Look at the numbers on the clock. There are numbers going up from 1 all the way to 12.
2. Look at the number that the hours hand (the small, thick hand) is pointing at. This will tell us the hour of the day. If the hours hand is between two numbers, pick the lower number.
3. Look at the number that the minutes hand (the long, relatively thick hand) is pointing at. This will tell us the minute of the day.
4. When the minutes hand is pointing at a big number on the clock, use multiples of five to tell how many minutes there are.
First, let’s tell the hour of the day. Because the hours hand is between 2 and 3, we pick the lower number. This means it’s 2-something o’clock.
Let’s do the minutes next. We need to multiply 3 by 5. This gives us 15.
There are 15 minutes in the hour, and the hour is 2. That means the time is 2:15.
Practice How to Tell Time on a Clock

Minute – A unit of time equal to 60 seconds.
Hour – One of the 24 equal parts of a day. 1 hour = 60 minutes.
Minute Hand – The long hand on a clock or watch that indicates minutes that have passed in that hour.
Hour Hand – The small hand on a clock that points to the hours. It goes once around the clock every 12 hours.
Half Hour – A period of thirty minutes.
Quarter Hour – A period of 15 minutes.
Quarter Past – Fifteen minutes past any hour.
Day – It is a unit of time which is equivalent to 24 hours.
Analogue Clock – Clock which shows time with two moving hands which move in circular motion and the clock face is marked from 1 to 12.
Pre-requisite Skill
Ordering Events