Make 10 Addition Strategy

Make 10 Addition Strategy


The make-ten strategy is great for addition. It helps students understand place value and the relationships between numbers. Ten-frames help students develop a good mind picture for the make-ten strategy because our place-value system is based on making groups of ten. This strategy can help students gain fluency when adding within 20


Using Tens Frames
1. Use a double ten-frame with counters to represent a number fact.
2. Place the counters representing the first addend on the first tens frame.
3. Place the counters representing the second addend on the second tens frame.
4. Identify how many counters are required to fill in the first tens frame. Move that number of counters from the second frame to the first.
5. Add 10 and the remaining number of counters to find the sum.

Without Using Tens Frames
1. Identify the first addend and what makes it a ten.
2. Write the number below the second addend.
3. Look at the number below the second addend and identify what number makes the second addend.
4. Add the rest to 10.


Make 10 and then add.
7 + 5


Using Tens Frames
1. Use a double ten-frame with counters to represent a number fact.
2. Place the counters representing the first addend on the first tens frame.
3. Place the counters representing the second addend on the second tens frame.

4. Identify how many counters are required to fill in the first tens frame. Move that number of counters from the second frame to the first.

5. Add 10 and the remaining number of counters to find the sum.
10 + 2 = 12

Without Using Tens Frames
1. Identify the first addend and what makes it a ten.
2. Write the number below the second addend.

3. Look at the number below the second addend and identify what number makes the second addend.

4. Add the rest to 10.

7 + 5 = 10 + 2 = 12

Practice Make 10 Addition Strategy

Practice Problem 1

Make 10 and then add.
Make 10 Addition Strategy Example - Practice Problem 1

Practice Problem 2

Make 10 and then add.
Make 10 Addition Strategy Example - Practice Problem 2

Practice Problem 3

Make 10 and then add.
Make 10 Addition Strategy Example - Practice Problem 3

Addition – a mathematical operation in which two or more numbers are combined to equal a greater number.

Addend – a number which is added to another.

Sum – Final answer of the addition.

Counters – small objects that kids can count and move around to help them do plenty of maths problems. They come in a lot of shapes like teddy bear counters, animal counters and coloured circle counters.

A tens frame is a two-by-five rectangular frame into which counters are placed to demonstrate numbers less than or equal to 10.